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How long do I have until I need to call the lead that I accepted through the Jumpball text?
How long do I have until I must add an Activity after I accept the Jumpball lead?
After I accept the Jumpball lead, who owns the lead?
After I have inputted the first Activity, how long before I am required to add another Activity in order to stay eligible for Jumpball leads?
Once I accept the Jumpball lead, it will be located in…
Which item below is not an appropriate "Create Custom Activity" to list in MoxiEngage in order to stay eligible for Jumpball leads?
If the leads does not answer at the first time calling, the next step is to…
After I have inputted my Activity, the next step is to…
In MoxiEngage, if I select "Email" for the "Create Custom Activity", what will happen?
Atlantic Coast Mortgage's (ACM) role within our leads means I should…
If there is an issue with my MoxiEngage OR Jumpball I am to?

Test results will be forwarded to a 3rd party lead management company,, to manage Jumpball eligibility. You will receive an email after eligibility is confirmed.